Cats 101 Lost Episode

One day, in a cold spring afternoon, i was really hyper-realistically bored. I hyper-realistically got up and walked very hyper-realistically to the hyper-realistic TV. I turned it on and there was hyper-realistic Animal Planet on. There was Cats 101. I hyper-realistically loved Cats 101. I sat down and watched hyper-realistically. The narrator hyper-realistically said "Today we will look at the DIE cat." Oh my hyper-realistic gosh! That was so hyper-realistically scary! HYPER-REALISTIC AAAAAAH! The hyper-realistic narrator hyper-realistically threw a hyper-realistic DIE cat at the hyper-realistic screen. And the hyper-realistic DIE cat hyper-realistically came out of the hyper-realistic screen and hyper-realistically guess what? IT HYPER-REALISTICALLY SCRATCHED MY HYPER-REALISTIC CROTCH AND I HYPER-REALISTICALLY DIED!